Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Loving You

For many this may seem to come easy, for many this is done through a journey of repeated heartaches, being abandoned, low self esteem, etc.

No matter what scenerio you find yourself in, what road you journey along You owe it to yourself to experience what it's like to love You, to embrace You, to celebrate You even if no one else does.

What perfect way to come to understand what Love is and what Love looks like other than looking at the one who is Agape Love, the one who first Loved us before even the foundations of this world, the one who loves us despite our hangups and mishaps, the one who is always ready to shower us with his presence. The one who understands when no one else understands. He is OH so awesome and OH so amazing.

For me I don't think this came for me until after my college years. Wow!, how many years I wasted, yet, I must say each moment played a significant role in who I am today. Would I change somethings, most definitely. Nontheless, I am owe so grateful for the grace and mercies of God and his promise that "All things work together for the good of them that Love the Lord and are called according to his purpose"

So if you haven't yet discovered what its like to love yourself, always remember you owe it to yourself to come and finally experience the Love that God has so freely shown you. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son .for you to live and have everlasting life, if only you would believe and call upon his name, Jesus."

Let's make 2009 be our year of walking along that PATH of truly loving ourselves, first.

May your day be blessed and may continue to desire to be a blessing!


Sent via my BlackBerry Device

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