Wednesday, June 18, 2008



So important...

Ok so as I am up getting ready this morning my little sister was singing one of the songs that the kids from her school will be performing for a play this month. The song was from the show Annie and it goes like this "its a hard knock life for us its a hard knock life for us instead of treated we get tricked instead of kisses we get kicked" or something like that.

So a few minutes went by and I'm still getting dressed and out of no where I started singing that same song and my sister said "oooo no why are you singing that song" and my initial response that I gave her was "because you put it in my head". And readers that's how this blog entry came about.

Let's take this same situation and dig a little deeper. This is a perfect example of how we need to monitor what others are saying and make sure that we are not allowing them to plant negative seeds into our spirit, because next thing you know without even realizing it their negative words can become our words. The word says let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the end of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

This happened to me before and I believed I shared it in a blog or two ago. Where one day I was coming home for prayer and I just begin feeling a little discouraged and I started saying to myself and questioning, God when is this going to happen, if u said it then when, I mean I am doing this and doing that when, when, when? And I had to catch myself because those were not my words, that was never how I approached my feelings to God in the past and it wasn't how I was going to start. (Not that I don't ever wonder when something is going to happen but I always try looking at what it is that I am not doing before I send up the questions; and many time when we look at ourselves and our stewarship, sometimes we can get the answer without even needing to question what timeclock God is on). Ok so back to my point, after doing inventory on what converations I allowed my ears to attend to, it clicked and I realized that the thoughts and words I was having with myself. At that moment were just about the same words I was having with an associate a few days prior.

So I end on this, let us stand guard and be aware and be ready to cancel every assignment of the negative words that are put before us.

Let's Pray:
Father we thank you for this day, for our health, our life, our strength and our ability to hear clearly with our ear gates. We ask for your divine assistance in helping us to be quick to hear and slow to speak, to help us to be fully conscious of the words we choose even before they proceed out of our mouth. We cancel the assignment of every negative word that is spoken in our atmosphere and we thank you now for not allowing it to take root in the life of the person it was spoken towards. It's in Jesus name that we pray. Amen

Be blessed and continue to be a blessing.



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