Friday, November 30, 2007

BE EASY... If it's meant to be it will be...

Ok today after work I was rushing to get to the hair shop before 5pm because they closed at 5:30. Remind you, I left work at 5 and the time this situation happened it was about 5:15pm. So I was about a block away from the hair shop when I saw a parking spot and I decided to pull in the parking space but then thought I don't think I could park here. So I put on my left blinker to indicated I was pulling out and you how when your at a red light and you see someone pulling out or trying to pull out ur first initial thought should be to let them go infront? Ok so this was the case with me, when I was pulling out instead of the guy stopping to let me in, he blocked me in and then turned around trying to look through the window to see if he could see something; you know how they do. So I looked at him then while turning my head away from him (lol I didn't want any beef) I said in a semi nice way, "Don' t look over here you didn't want to let me go, you should've e just let me in". You know how we talk to ourselves in the car. :). I guess he saw me moving my lips lol, or it probably was a test of character, he pulled his car back so that I could get in front of him.

Can I tell you that when he did that I was so grateful I put on a big smile looked over at him and said thank you and as I pulled up closer to the hair salon there was park right in front of the door waiting for me.

Ok so what's the moral of this story, BE EASY! Don't get impatient, don't get frustrated, don't become annoyed and most importantly don't get nasty, for its all not worth worth. For every opportunity brings the chance for you to demonstrate your dedication to becoming more and more like Christ.

We are in this together, so let's continue to pray for each other that we will never fail another test again.

PS# did I mention that I was still able to get my hair done. :)


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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Never Miss The Opportunity to be a Blessing to Someone.

Readers you are getting a double portion of me today.

Well on my way back home and I am on a train back into Manhattan, there was a man sitting next to me who got off the train before I did. When he got off, I saw something drop in front of my foot and I didn't look down immediately because I wasn't sure if it was actually something that dropped. So about 3 seconds later I looked down at my feet and I saw that the man that just exited the train dropped his hat. I picked it up and my intentions were to try and go after him but when I got up from my seat other people were getting on the train and I didn't think that I would have time to catch the guy. So with out really actually trying to catch the person who dropped their hat, I just sat back down.

Can I be honest and tell you that I was just a little bit disappointed with myself. I realized that because I thought that it would be a bit of a hassel to push my way through the crowd to get the man his hat, that man would have to walk out in the cold with no hat on hiis head. I thought wow such a simple test of character check and I failed because my feelings dictated to me the wrong thing. So now that I have asked the Lord to forgive me for not fullfilling the assignment that he gave me at that particular moment to fullfill; I pray that I never miss the opportunity to be a blessing to someone else another day in my life.

Being a blessing to someone dosnt always come in the form of these words: money or buy. But it also comes in the following words, which also to me meant a lot more: servanthood, time, words of wisdom, encouragment, kindness and thoughtfulness, just to name a few. So as you read this think how you can seize the opportunity to be a blessing to someone and may it be a blessing to you.

God Bless.



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There Is Constant Communication In A Relationship!

As I was on the train today there was a couple that entered the train at the Pavonia Newport stop; they were married with two children. When we arrived at one of the stops the children started to become tired of standing. A lady that was sitting in a seat exited the train leaving one seat available. Another lady who was already sitting alerted the woman, with the two children, that there was a seat available. The mom said thank you and sent one of her children to occupy the seat. The other child got a little upset and started to cry a little, desiring to sit as well. When the woman that alerted the mom saw how sad the child was, she attempted to give up her seat for the child but the mom said "no no that's ok, he will be ok, u sit". So later down the journey the same child, that wanted to sit so badly, nealed on the floor and that's when a man gave up his seat allowing the child to occupy it. Again the mom said no no, its ok but he insisted. A little later a women got up from her seat, because she was getting off on the next stop, and she told the woman with the children that she could sit but again, she said "No u sit I'm ok" and the lady mentioned to her that she was getting on on the next stop. Finally the mother took a seat without feeling as if she was imposing on anyone. (The mom really did appear to be a nice person).

Ok so u wonder what was that story about. Well I have discovered that when we have a relationship with Christ he is constantly in communication with us. Whether it be talking directly to us, or using situations to get our attention. I have learned that no matter what I do in my everyday schedule when it comes to the end of the day I should be able to reflect on something that God wanted to show me, tell me or come to understand on that day.

Sort of like when you send to child to school in the AM and he/she comes back home in the afternoon we tend to ask them "how was their day, what did they learn." Just as we may ask the children and wait for an answer, we must be ready to report to our Lord at the end of the day what it was that we have experienced through him on that day.

What I learned this morning?
Just from this train ride in this morning I took away what I believe God wanted me to discover and that is that this is the season of increase for us and those around us. The season of undeniable and obvious favor. We must humble ourselves and receive all that God wants to give us in this season. If we automatically look for the big blessings, we will miss the "smaller" blessings which will help us to notice "bigger" blessings.

So take a seat on the train sit back and enjoy the ride and be exceedly thankful and glad about which ever way God wants to show forth his favor in your life.

I love you with the Love of Christ. (I really do). :) and I pray that that God allows this message to be a blessing to you just as much as it was for me. Be Blessed and have awesome weekend.



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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


In our everyday life there should be a constant prayer to the Lord thanking HIM for who HE is, what HE has done and what is about to take place for the glory of the Lord.

However, because of the demands that life places on our daily schedules, sometimes we fall victim to becoming so busy that we forgot to stop and give thanks to the Lord simply for the air we breathe, the steps we take, our families, friends, our jobs(although it keeps us busy), the words we speak, etc. So on this day, Thanksgiving Day, let's carve some time out and personally write a thank you list to God. Literally, take about 10-15 minutes out of your day and think of all the things that HE has done for you up until this hour. Once you are done read it out loud to yourself and watch how it gives you such a greater feeling of appreciation for life and the Creator who created it.

On this day, I pray that you find yourself bathing in the abundance of joy, peace, patiece, love and gratefulness.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

When U Love The Lord...

Today while in prayer as I was praying Romans 8:28 became alive in me and I just begin to feel an enormous sense of gratefulness. The scripture reads, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” I begin to think of the things that I have gone through, the things that I way be going through and the tricks & distractions that the enemy set around me to try to divert me from my walk in Christ and no matter what it was or what it is, they all have worked and are working together to make me into the “perfect” person God has created me to be. I know sometimes we may get off track because we thought we heard the Lord regarding a particular situation in our life, I know that I have definitely been there. Nevertheless, no matter what I have done in the pass, if I happen to get off course in the future, no matter what trials may come my way, I am comforted in knowing that it will all work out for my good and God will ultimately receive all of the Glory.

When we grow to “love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength” (Mark 12:30), we will always find comfort, peace and joy in Him. May God continue to bless you and mature you into the person he has created you to be.

With the Abundance of Love,


Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Hello Everyone,

I have written in a while, but I am going to make a promise to get back on ball because such great things have been happening and many I want to share. Ok so one thing I do try to do every single day is to read “The Word For Today”. I think this is such an awesome, healthy and necessary habit, because there’s just so much in there you will always find that you needed to read that word for that particular day. Ok so on Monday November 5, I read the following passage and it helped me to reflect, once again, on the relationships that are in my life to strengthen me, push me to another level and those that are there just to consume time and space. So as you read the passage below reflect on those relationships that you need to invest more time into and show a greater appreciate for and those that you need to withdraw your life savings from and spend less time with the broker. Always remember there's a reason, a season or a lifetime.

The Word For Today
On Monday -11/5/07
“I Thank My God Every Time I Remember You.” - Philippians 1:3 NIV

Those who matter
There’s a true story of a little boy whose sister needed a blood transfusion. The doctor explained she had the same disease that he’d recovered from 2 years earlier. Her only chance of recovery was a transfusion from someone who’d conquered it, so the boy was the ideal donor. “Would you gibe your blood to Mary?” the doctor asked. Johnny hesitated, his lower lip trembled, and then he smiled and said, “Sure, for my sister.” Soon the two children were wheeled into the hospital room – Mary, pale and thin; Johnny, robust and health. Neither spoke, but when their eyes met Johnny grinned. But as the nurse inserted the needle into his arm Johnny’s smile faded. He watched the blood flow through the tube. With the ordeal almost over Johnny’s voice, slightly shaky, broke the silence. “Doctor, when do I die?” Only then did the doctor realize why little Johnny had hesitated, why his lips trembled when he agreed to donate his blood. HE thought giving his blood to his sister meant giving up his life. In that brief moment he had made his great decision. Who would give their life for you? Those are the people you want to invest your life in. Those are the ones you need to show your appreciation for- now, while you still can. They are irreplaceable! When they’re gone you’ll realize that. Some of the things you’re striving for now will seem empty then. Some of the things you’re upset over now will seem insignificant then. So squeeze the most out of every moment. Create memories you’ll treasure. Be wise; build your life around those who matter!